
Shop : Details

38,00 €
ISBN 978-90-423-0453-6
370 Seiten
77 Abbildungen
554 g
24,0 x 17,0 cm
November 2019
Karima Kourtit
The New Urban World
Economic-Geographical Studies on the Performance of Urban Systems
The ‘New Urban World’ is a recent phenomenon in the rich history of cities and urbanisation. Nowadays, not only more than 50 per cent of the world population lives in cities or urban areas, but also urbanization is a persistently and rapidly increasing phenomenon on our planet. Urban agglomerations will most likely become the socio-economic powerhouses of the future. This book on the ‘New Urban World’ presents a collection of analytical and quantitative studies on urbanization, that contribute to a deeper understanding of the local and global forces at work. It does so by designing and employing the metaphor of the ‘urban piazza’ as a frame of reference for analyzing the economic-geographical performance of urban systems. Within this analytical framework four domains of urban activity ? ranging from global to local ? are systematically addressed, viz. dynamic cities, innovative sectors, creative districts and new entrepreneurs. Thereby, this study aims to identify the critical success factors for the competitive performance of urban actors and/or cities in the ‘New Urban World’, through the application of quantitative evaluation tools. A wealth of empirical applications ? ranging from migration to entrepreneurship and from cultural heritage to global cities – is provided to illustrate the relevance of a solid research methodology for determining the position of modern cities and its actors. This book provides also a wide range of policy lessons for cities and agglomeration in the current ‘urban century’.
Schlagwörter: 'New Urban World’; ‘Urban Piazza’; urbanization; globalization; megacities; global urban system; global competition; urban population; urban efficiency and performance; space-economy; sustainability
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