
Shop : Details

29,00 €
ISBN 978-90-423-0437-6
80 Seiten
10 Abbildungen
120 g
27 x 20 cm
September 2014
Cees Langeveld
Pricing in the performing arts
One of the most difficult - but also one of the most important - decisions entrepreneurs have to make is how much they charge for their product or service. What should they consider? The same applies to cultural entrepreneurs in the world of live music and theater. Should they consider the cost of the performance, the market value of the artist, the complementary services? Should they examine psychological or rational considerations? A high price is associated with high quality but it may at the same time be a barrier to audiences. The instrument of price must be accurately wielded in order to result in increased rather than decreased attendance. And what about the cultural outreach mission of many theaters and concert halls? Subsidized theaters and concert halls are asked to keep culture accessible to every budget, but they also have to work efficiently and conduct themselves like an entrepreneur. And what about the practice of offering discounted tickets to the public? Is it possible to combine all objectives and constraints? Pricing in the Performing Arts gives an interesting overview of scientific research related to price and performing arts. It contains knowledge for scientists, for policy makers and for practitioners. It deepens the thoughts on pricing and it encourages to apply pricing methods in creative and effective ways.
Schlagwörter: pricing; culture; economy; marketing; performing arts
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DOI 10.2370/9789042304376
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