
Shop : Details

54,00 €
ISBN 978-90-423-0115-3
Gebundene Ausgabe
532 Seiten
50 Abbildungen
750 g
17 x 24 cm
August 2000
D.J. Breebaart, A.J.M. Houtsma, A. Kohlrausch, V.F. Prijs, R. Schoonhoven, R. Schoonhoven
Psychological and Psychophysical Base of Auditory Function
Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Hearing
Schlagwörter: Auditory Physiology; auditory psychophysics; Perception; Auditory models; Pitch; Spatial hearing; Binaural hearing; Temporal resolution; frequency selectivity; Otoacoustic emissions; Auditory feature detection
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