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12,90 €
ISBN 978-3-95631-409-4
122 Seiten
180 g
21 x 14,8 cm
Juli 2016
Kathrin Saheb
Lean Administration Step by Step
A practical guide for the implementation of the Lean Success Principles in indirect company areas and service organisations. Volume 1: Basis and Analysis
Lean Management is the proven and established approach to increase value and reduce waste. Lean Administration is the successful way to implement the Lean principles in indirect departments and services. Main focus of this practical guideline are implementation and change processes . The author presents tools and methods which have been proven useful in Lean Administration projects. Case studies complement the theoretical part as well as the humorous drawings by illustrator Paul Giraud. And in the interview with Rolf Müller (Alstom AG), you will find a real example of a Lean project.
Shaker Media
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