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20,10 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-9821-1
274 Seiten
Dezember 2024
eBook (PDF)
Rajinder Singh, Suprakash C. Roy
Chandrima Shaha
A Lifelong Journey of Scientific Inquiry
“Chandrima Shaha - A Lifelong Journey of Scientific Inquiry” is an illuminating account of a trailblazing scientist who became the first woman to serve as President of the Indian National Science Academy and the Director of a distinguished national laboratory. In recent decades, interest has grown in documenting the contributions of women scientists, exploring the challenges and triumphs they encounter. This inspiring story sheds light on the unwavering dedication of a scientist in her pursuit of excellence.
Who is Chandrima Shaha? What are her scientific achievements? How she influenced the scientific community, especially girls/women scientists, who see her as a role model? What are her opinions about promoting women scientists? This book addresses these questions. This readable narrative will be interesting for the general reader, but it will be inspirational mainly for young women who want to knock at the doors of science with purpose and courage.
Schlagwörter: Women scientists; Biochemistry; Chandrima Shaha; Manju Sharma; Cell death; Lashmania Donavani; IIM; IICB; Women scientist as role model; INSA; TWAS; IASc; NASI; R. Tagore; S.N. Bose; Painter; Photographer
Weitere Formate
Print-Version: 978-3-8440-9721-4
DOI 10.2370/9783844098211
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