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18,60 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-9817-4
146 Seiten
Dezember 2024
eBook (PDF)
Rajinder Singh, Syamal Roy
Life of J.C. Ray
A Story of Resilience and Triumph
This book is a tribute to the visionary leader J.C. Ray. The spirit of his work continues to blaze as a monument to scientific research. The Indian Institute of Medical Research began its journey in 1935 in a modest, rented building in central Calcutta. Despite humble beginnings, it stood out with a distinctive purpose and depth, aiming to tackle the pressing health issues of the time, such as leishmaniasis, malaria, and cholera.
J.C. Ray was a proud, stoic figure with ambitious dreams and a bold vision. Despite limited financial resources, he carried an unwavering creative spirit. It is hard to imagine how he managed to harmonize two seemingly opposed ends, persevering through uncertainty on his own. The institute has undergone several name changes over the years, eventually being renamed the Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (IICB) in 1981. This change reflects the enduring legacy of a remarkable scientist whose influence lives on through generations of his "scientific descendants.”
The book explores J.C. Ray's life, education, scientific contributions, and the establishment of India’s first biomedical research institute, achieved without support from the colonial Empire.
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Print-Version: 978-3-8440-9717-7
DOI 10.2370/9783844098174
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