
Shop : Details

59,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-9307-0
246 Seiten
92 Abbildungen
324 g
21 x 14,8 cm
Dezember 2023
Johannes Demel
Software Radio Systems Engineering for URLLC Industrie 4.0 Applications
New use cases for wireless communication that require Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communication (URLLC) systems open a new trove of challenges. In this thesis we address the wireless software radio systems engineering challenges to achieve lower latency and higher reliability. Furthermore, we present a thorough analysis of PHYsical layer (PHY) Digital Signal Processing (DSP) concepts and their impact on latency and reliability. These concepts are used in a Medium-Access-Control (MAC) layer Scheduling and Resource Allocation (S&RA) analysis to find suitable approaches for S&RA that minimize burst errors. Finally, our PHY and MAC analysis results in a demonstrator that verifies our approaches in a testbed. Thus, it is possible to meet the requirements of URLLC systems with a full software Cloud Radio Access Network (Cloud RAN) implementation with distributed Access Points (APs).
Schlagwörter: 5G; URLLC; Industrie 4.0; Industrial Radio; SDR; Software; Reliability; Latency
Dissertationen aus dem Arbeitsbereich Nachrichtentechnik der Universität Bremen
Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Armin Dekorsy, Bremen
Band 13
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