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45,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-9233-2
146 Seiten
55 Abbildungen
216 g
24 x 17 cm
Oktober 2023
Kevin Schwarzinger
Modelling and Control of Plastic Extrusion Machines
A temperature control concept for a highly efficient and therefore well insulated extruder without active cooling is presented. The purpose of the control concept developed is to ensure a suitable production condition, which is defined by a constant melt temperature within a desired temperature range. The desired melt temperature is critical for the product quality and is specified by the operator. The control concept is model based. Two mathematical models are derived to describe the thermal dynamics of plastic production machines. The accuracy of the derived finite volume model is validated by a high-order finite element model. The developed control concept consists of several superimposed layers. The first layer includes heating tape temperature control which is implemented as a simple PI controller. The next layer consists of an observer (smart sensor) and a model predictive controller. The smart sensor is a disturbance observer that estimates the heat flow between the extruder cylinder and the processed material, including the thermal influence of the conveying screw. This configuration has the advantage of decoupling the thermal control problem from the specific granulate. A model predictive controller calculates appropriate temperature trajectories for the heating tape temperatures to achieve the desired temperature profiles within the extruder, while meeting any defined process or manufacturer related restrictions. A developed concept of set point adjustment during operating point changes enables fast operating point changes by determining optimal cylinder temperature trajectories. A material independent melt temperature controller forms the top layer of the developed concept. The melt temperature controller varies the desired cylinder temperatures to achieve the desired melt temperature.
To prove that the concept is applicable to different extruder types, experiments on two different extruder types are discussed. The performance of the proposed control concept during preheating processes, extrusion startups, operating point changes and disturbance scenarios is analysed by simulations but mainly by experiments on industrial extruders.
Schlagwörter: extrusion; MPC; process control
Modellierung und Regelung komplexer dynamischer Systeme
Herausgegeben von Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Kugi (TU Wien), o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Schlacher (JKU Linz) und Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Kemmetmüller (TU Wien), Wien / Linz
Band 64
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