
Shop : Details

49,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-8555-6
298 Seiten
444 g
21 x 14,8 cm
April 2022
Emmanuel Onah
Liberal Nationalism and the Egalitarian Requirement in a Pluralistic Society
(A Philosophical Critique and Reconstruction of the Liberal nationalists' Formulation of the Idea of Special Obligations to Fellow Nationals)
In order to ensure the stability of and justice in a contemporary state, the diversity that characterises the state is to be correctly approached. This entails the exclusion of two forms of attitudes. The first attitude is the denial of the diversity. The second is a recognition of the diversity that merely serves the aim of making differences the basis of ascribing burdens and benefits. In this light, any social political theory that defends a view that a cultural conception of nation offers genuine ground for preferential treatment fails to offer a valid guide to action in the contemporary society where virtually every state has members that consist of people with divers (culturally defined) national identities. This work shows how this is the case and offers a valid alternative.
Schlagwörter: Liberalism; nationalism; nation; special obligations; multinational states
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