
Shop : Details

48,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-8552-5
154 Seiten
5 Abbildungen
237 g
21 x 14,8 cm
April 2022
Ulrich Schüle (Ed.)
How Suppliers in Argentina Need to Adapt to Policy Trends in the Northern Hemisphere
Slowing down global warming requires new concepts of mobility. The aim is to reduce CO2 emission in the medium term and to eliminate it eventually. Even though a variety of tech-nical solutions are feasible, policy makers in the Northern hemisphere opted for electro-mobility as alternative to the still pre-dominantly used combustion engine vehicles.

The trend to E-mobility was, therefore, initiated by government decisions and still seems to depend more on the policy-made change in regulations and economic incentives than on market forces. In particular, the EU seems to be firmly determined to switch transportation towards E-mobility. Since 2021, also the US administration has felt obliged to this aim.

The consequences, however, are to be felt also in parts of the world not being involved in these decisions. Even though Argentina is not one of the leading countries in the automo-tive supply chain, the countries’ small and medium-sized suppliers must adapt their com-pany strategies to the changing market environment.

In this book, students and scholars discuss selected aspects. Nearly all of the essays derive from Master theses written in the wider context of the “maestría argentino-alemana” in International Business, a programme run jointly by the University of Applied Sciences in Mainz, Germany, and the Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales (UCES) in Buenos Aires.
Schlagwörter: E-Mobility; Argentina; Adaptation; Dependence
Deutsch-Argentinische Wirtschaftsstudien / Estudios Económicos Argentino-Alemanes
Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schüle und Prof. Dr. Andrés Musacchio, Mainz/Buenos Aires
Band 4
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