
Shop : Details

59,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-8237-1
Gebundene Ausgabe
448 Seiten
44 Abbildungen
669 g
21 x 14,8 cm
Oktober 2021
Michel Ivrlac
Study Guide
Physical Principles of Antenna Systems
This book contains 14 lectures on the "physical principles of electromagnetic fields and antenna systems", a graduate course that I teach at the Technische Universität München. This book is intended as a study guide and as a companion to my textbook "Physical Principles of Antenna Systems" (Shaker Verlag, 2017). In addition to the lectures, this study guide contains quick questions with answers. They are designed to help students check their understanding of a particular concept or topic from the lectures. Moreover, carefully designed problems with extensive solutions are included. They allow the student to apply several concepts and techniques from the lectures to solve more elaborate and advanced problems. I do believe that a student who has worked through this study guide in companionship with the textbook, and worked all questions and problems, has obtained a first class education in the physical principles of electromagnetic fields and antenna systems.
Schlagwörter: Antennas; electodynamics; lectures
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