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48,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-8226-5
202 Seiten
62 Abbildungen
300 g
21 x 14,8 cm
September 2021
Laura Drummond
Investigation of Non-Canonical Terpene Biosynthesis
Terpenes are one of the largest and most diverse class of natural products, produced by organisms from all kingdoms of life and with important applications in the pharma, flavor and fragrance industries. Well-known examples of terpenes are the pharmaceuticals artemisinin and taxol, the flavor and fragrance compounds menthol, santalol and sclareol, the structural material polyisoprene and the biofuel precursor farnesene.
The methods and results presented in this work offer a variety of ways to modify terpene precursors for the creation of new terpene molecules. The application of these methodologies in well-established production systems could lead to the production of new substances, with applications in the industrial fields of pharmaceuticals, flavors and fragrances, and biofuels.
Schlagwörter: terpene biosynthesis; microbial cell factories; non-canonical terpenes
Schriftenreihe des DECHEMA-Forschungsinstituts
Herausgegeben von DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut, Frankfurt am Main
Band 25
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DOI 10.2370/9783844082265
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