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21,90 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-7520-5
136 Seiten
43 Abbildungen
201 g
21 x 14,8 cm
August 2020
Rajinder Singh
Part III: The Raman Research Institute Period
C.V. Raman, discoverer of Raman effect, received the Physics Nobel Prize in 1930. To this date, he remains India’s only Nobel Laureate in the field of science. A number of biographies deal with various aspects of his life and science. However, his interaction with the local and international media remained unexplored till the publication of two books in recent period. In “C.V. Raman and the Press: Science Reporting and Image Building - Part 1: Kolkata Period” and “C.V. Raman and the Press: Science Reporting and Image Building - Part II: The Indian Institute of Science Period” his interaction with media until 1948 was explored.
Before his retirement from the Indian Institute of Science, he started building a research institute, which was later named as the Raman Research Institute (RRI). He was Director of the RRI (1949-1970) and President of the Indian Academy of Sciences (1934-1970) till his death in 1970. Unlike his life at the IIS, he was an independent man at the RRI. Being an only Nobel Laureate in science in India, he was at the centre stage of the media publicity. The present book deals with Raman’s interaction with media during his tenure at the RRI. The book reveals that it is only after the independence of India that the media created a myth about his Nobel award ceremony such as “Raman’s weeping under the British flag while receiving the Nobel Prize.”
Schlagwörter: C.V. Raman; Nobel Prize; Raman Research Institute; Indian scientist; Nehru; Gandhi; CIA; Rockefeller; Saha; Bose; Bharat Ratna; Lenin; WWII; IAS
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