
Shop : Details

48,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-7414-7
162 Seiten
126 Abbildungen
239 g
21 x 14,8 cm
Juni 2020
Markus Maleska
Hydroplaning Performance of Non-Free-Rolling Passenger Car Tires
The dissertation at hand discusses the longitudinal and lateral hydroplaning performance for passenger car tires under non-free-rolling conditions. In this context, the impact of different tire operating conditions, tire sizes and tire tread pattern designs on the hydroplaning performance and on the tire footprint characteristics is identified. In addition, a novel physical model is developed and validated based on the determined hydroplaning performance results.
The input parameters to the "tire-squeeze-out model" are the tire footprint characteristics, from which the model identifies and quantifies the relationship between these characteristics and the hydroplaning mechanism. The model is able to assess and to predict the hydroplaning performance during the product development process in an industrial environment. Therefore, the tire footprint characteristics can be influenced during the tire product development process by engineers to optimize the hydroplaning performance. This will improve the analysis of hydroplaning and thereby, enable a more streamlined and efficient product development process. Finally, the results of this thesis will help to improve the vehicle hydroplaning performance and, thus, lead to higher customer satisfaction.
Schlagwörter: Longitudinal and Lateral Hydroplaning / Aquaplaning; VDA Test Procedure; Dynamic Tire Footprint / Contact Patch; Tire-Fluid-Road Interaction
Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Böhle, Kaiserslautern
Band 19
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DOI 10.2370/9783844074147
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