
Shop : Details

19,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-7410-9
174 Seiten
258 g
21 x 14,8 cm
Juni 2020
Monica Luminita Alexandru
Vulnerability of Romanian youth to trafficking in human beings
The changes that took place in Romania after 1989, particularly in the political, social and cultural fields, led to an increase in poverty and unemployment combined with an imbalanced gender distribution on the labour market thus our country slowly became the country of origin, transit and destination for large traffic networks.

The book analysis the susceptibility to human trafficking of young people in Romania who face multiple social, economic and psychological needs. The analysis is carried out both from a legislative and an institutional perspective, including the social reintegration capacity of the victims. The emphasis should be placed not only on the development of legislative instruments and activities associated with the investigation and prosecution of traffickers, but also on the early identification of the victim, assessment and referral to certified assistance organizations for the commencement of the reintegration process, aiming to reduce the re-trafficking risk.

The goal of the specialized assistance process offered to a victim is to provide help in overcoming the trauma and to ensure social reintegration. The assistance of human trafficking victims is performed according to their personal needs, trafficking particularities and manifestation of trauma side-effects in the physical and psychological areas and focusing on each individual victim’s case. Knowing what the risk factors are, the problems faced by victims before trafficking can help to improve the current legislation, institutional organization and organization of efforts in preventing the phenomenon, both nationally and internationally.
Schlagwörter: human trafficking; exploitation; slavery
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