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29,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-7236-5
160 Seiten
237 g
29,7 x 21 cm
März 2020
Uwe Kraeft
The Quadruple Method in Bioinformatics
Beiträge zur Bioinformatik Band 4
This book is the fourth volume of the “Beiträge zur Bioinformatik” (contributions to bioinformatics), in which several previous results of the Quadruple Method and partially of the Triple Method can be found.

After an introduction follow a comparison of triple and quadruple procedures for Hominidae and Bivalvia, examples of genes and chromosomes (CCR5, GGCX, LCT, TTN, PAX8, TBR1, S100P, ERBB2, and the chromosomes 1, 5, 11, 17, and 21 of Hominidae), examples of Gastropoda (Architaenioglossa; Littorinimorpha; Conoidea), examples of Echinodermata (Holothuroidea; Crinoidea and Asteroidea; Echinoidea), examples of Primates (Hominidae and Cercopithecinae 2 (Haplorrhini, Catarrhini); Hominidae and Platyrrhini generally (Haplorrhini); Hominidae and Macaca (Haplorrhini, Catarrhini); Hominidae (Haplorrhini), Daubentonia, Lemuridae (Strepsirrhini), and Trichosurus (Marsupialia); Cheirogaleidae (Strepsirrhini); Lepilemuridae (Strepsirrhini)), the phylogenesis of recent and fossil species such as an “evolution” of triple frequencies of Homo sapiens compared with those of plants and animals.

Further, a list of the used program modules, a choice of own bioinformatic literature, a short overview of the importance of mitochondria for man’s health, and calculations about the phylogenetic tree of Homo sapiens neanderthalensis are added.
Schlagwörter: Gastropoda; Echinodermata; Primates; Neanderthal man; bioinformatics; Quadruple Procedure; phylogenesis; phylogenetic tree
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