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48,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-7112-2
172 Seiten
80 Abbildungen
254 g
21 x 14,8 cm
Dezember 2019
Bastian Lehner
Design Aspects for Concentrated Winding Synchronous Reluctance Machines for Automotive Traction Applications
SynRMs are an attractive choice for automotive traction drives. Due to the absence of permanent magnet material, induction cage or field excitation windings in the rotor, they benefit from low rotor losses, low manufacturing costs and no potential resource problems related to rare earth materials. A reasonable application of concentrated stator windings to SynRMs could offer even additional advantages, such as increased torque density and efficiency, simplified machine construction and increased robustness. Therefore, the main objective of this research is the examination of design aspects and the feasibility of cSynRMs for the application as automotive traction drive.
The result of this study is a summary of the main principle of torque production in SynRMs, the analytical description of the linear and saturated dq‐model, the effect of iron loss and leakage inductance and a comprehensive analysis of the power factor behavior of SynRMs. Furthermore, the torque‐speed characteristics of SynRMs and the particular challenge associated with the application of concentrated stator windings are examined.
Based on the findings and the requirements set for automotive traction application, two machines are examined in a design‐based comparison. The examined machines, one equipped with a double layer concentrated winding and one with a full pitch distributed winding, are built and evaluated at a machine test bench. The machine evaluation at the test bench largely confirms the validity of the simulation models and underlines the individual differences of the concentrated and distributed winding machine.
Moreover, a new method for adapting the rotor design of SynRMs to sustain the high rotational speeds and a new approach for torque ripple minimization are presented.
Schlagwörter: Synchronous Reluctance Machine; Concentrated Windings; Automotive Traction Applications
Forschungsberichte Elektrische Antriebstechnik und Aktorik
Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Gerling, München
Band 40
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DOI 10.2370/9783844071122
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