
Shop : Details

21,90 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-6781-1
196 Seiten
61 Abbildungen
266 g
21 x 14,8 cm
Juli 2019
Suprakash C. Roy, Rajinder Singh
D.M. Bose - His Life, Science and Connection with Global Elites
D.M. Bose belonged to a class of Bengali elites of early twentieth century India. He was one of the very few Indian scientists who had the privilege of studying in the U.K. and Germany. He met J.J. Thomson, C.T.R. Wilson, E. Rutherford, M. Planck, H. Rubens, A. Einstein and many other physicists, who had name and fame in the beginning of the 20th century. While ‘International Relations’ and ‘Scientific and Technological integration’ are the buzz words in the present day world of globalization, D.M. Bose did that in India about a century ago. This helped him to expand the Bose Institute in Kolkata, established by his uncle Sir J.C. Bose, known for his discovery of micro waves and plant physiological research, in a direction to elevate it to a modern institute of scientific research. This book uncovers this side of D.M. Bose’s qualities.
Schlagwörter: D.M. Bose; Tagore; Albert Einstein; Niels Bohr; Arnold Sommerfeld; C.V. Raman; Saha; Indian; history of science; Bose institute; Nobel prize; Visva-Bharati; Kolkata; cloud chamber; particle physics; cosmic rays; Bibha Chowdhuri; Max Planck; Erich Regener; Berlin
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DOI 10.2370/9783844067811
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