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48,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-6588-6
Gebundene Ausgabe
312 Seiten
50 Abbildungen
468 g
25 x 18 cm
Juli 2019
Elisabeth Meru, Serge Jacoby, Harjinder Singh Kanwal, Oliver Lobschat, Susanne Traunbauer
Sikh Martyrs – The Scent of the Wild Rose
Sikhism is built on three pillars: VAHEGURU JI, the Ten Gurus and the Martyrs. The chapter on the martyrs belongs to the most painful part of the Sikh Sangat, which starts with Guru Arjan Dev Ji.

Woven in unprecedented poetry with velvet like softness, is the unaltered heart of the story, unimaginably gruesome tortures thought out by their tormentors and the resulting hellish agony the martyrs endured. The powerful style draws you in. Become a witness to the chronic pain and sufferings of the martyrs. The vivid depictions of the horrendous atrocities will make you shiver yet concerned through the elegance and softness of the poetry.

The dissolution of all pain and sufferings of the martyrdom stands under the grace of VAHEGURU JI and in HIS Divine light.
Schlagwörter: Sikhs; Martyrs; Religion; Sikhism
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