
Shop : Details

36,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-6255-7
342 Seiten
62 Abbildungen
433 g
21 x 14,8 cm
November 2018
Ingo Eilks, Silvija Markic, Bernd Ralle (Eds.)
Building Bridges Across Disciplines for Transformative Education and a Sustainable Future
A collection of invited papers inspired by the 24th Symposium on Chemistry and Science Education held at the University of Bremen, June 1-3, 2018
We live in times of continuing challenges of transforming today's world for a sustainable future. This is a challenge or all domains of learning science and beyond. The book Building bridges across disciplines for transformative education and a sustainable future discusses along contributions from various countries these challenges. The main issues addressed in the book include:
What do we mean by transformative education and how does it go beyond education for sustainability?
Which curricula and pedagogies are available to start transformative education and what do we know about their effects?
What do we know from research about fostering and hindering factors concerning the implementation of transformative education for a sustainable future?
What do we know about attitudes, motivation and PCK of practicing concerning sustainability issues and transformative learning?
How is science teacher training for transformative education operated and what do we know about the development of teachers competencies in successfully applying corresponding practices in science classes and beyond?
Which research-based strategies do we have for implementing transformative practices into science teaching and in interdisciplinary approaches?
What consequences does the interdisciplinary nature of most sustainability issues has for transformative educational practices?
Which role might the informal and non-formal educational sector play to support transformative education?
Schlagwörter: Education; Science; Education for Sustainable Development; Sustainability; Sustainable Development; Transformative Education; Chemistry Learning
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