
Shop : Details

19,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-5977-9
80 Seiten
123 g
21 x 14,8 cm
Juni 2018
Tatiana Popova
The Greek Manuscripts with the Text of the Ladder of Saint John Climacus
A Preliminary Skeleton List
The question about the quantity of surviving Greek manuscripts of the Ladder is open. This book is a preliminary skeleton list of 766 Greek manuscripts with the text or text fragments of the Ladder. In this list there are Sammelbands, too, because the general picture of Byzantine hand-written tradition of the Ladder would be incomplete without mentioning the ascetic Sammelbands into which the authors included fragments of the text of the Ladder. Not less than 134 manuscripts are with comments (with interpretations of the text of the Ladder) - cum scholiis. Greek manuscripts of the Ladder are available in not less than 109 libraries in approximately 21 countries. A big part is kept in the collections of Greece. This list may be a step to a systematic descriptive catalog of the manuscripts of the Ladder.
Schlagwörter: Libraries; Byzantian Manuscripts; Ladder; John Climacus
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