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21,90 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-5691-4
172 Seiten
47 Abbildungen
239 g
21 x 14,8 cm
Januar 2018
Rajinder Singh
C.V. Raman’s Laboratory and Discovery of the Raman Effect
C.V. Raman was a respectable scientist known world-wide and has been iconic in the field of science in India. Obviously there are a number of biographies available covering various aspects of his life. The comment made by Rao “what is contained in Venkataraman’s book (Raman’s biography written by G. Venkataraman) may be found elsewhere but what is not contained in that biography may not be found elsewhere!” while reviewing the book is an unwarranted over-statement. In the field of history, there is no ‘last word’; history is written and re-written with expanding knowledge, with the discovery of new documents and elements with time. Even books on a known subject are written on different perspectives. As an example, the age-old great epics the Ramayana and the Mahabharata are still being written and published. Even subjective interpretation leads to many important arguments and dialogues which form the basis of complete understanding of a subject. History of science is no different.

This book focuses on the instruments used by Raman in his epoch-making discovery, some of which were constructed locally under his supervision and some were imported. The book also depicts the challenges faced, infrastructure and facilities available in his time as well as the power and authority enjoyed by C.V. Raman. Readers will find that the frequently quoted comment that Raman made the Nobel winning discovery by an instrument which cost only a few hundred rupees is a myth.

In India, criticizing a ‘Guru’ is considered as uncivilized, sometimes even looked at the margin of committing a sin. Followers of a ‘Guru’ of any field, be it spiritual, political or anything else, make him a demi-god, overlooking the objectivity of human qualities. No human being is perfect and the same is true for Raman. The discovery of Raman effect was not a touch and go experiment. It was the result of a consistent effort made by his able assistants for years, and a particular mention must be made of K.S. Krishnan. Discoveries in science are replete with pitfalls, misinterpretations, corrections to earlier understanding and resulting in the final triumphant understanding. Raman was no exception.
Schlagwörter: Bengalis; C.V. Raman; Raman Effect; Nobel Prize; Calcutta University; IACS; M.N. Saha; S.N. Bose; B.B. Ray; Raman spectroscopy; Colonial science; Scientific instruments; Laboratory; History of science
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DOI 10.2370/9783844056914
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