
Shop : Details

39,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-5495-8
406 Seiten
101 Abbildungen
651 g
24,0 x 16,0 cm
September 2017
Benoît Otjacques, Patrik Hitzelberger, Stefan Naumann, Volker Wohlgemuth (Eds.)
From Science to Society: The Bridge provided by Environmental Informatics
Adjunct Proceedings of the 31st EnviroInfo conference
This book contains the results of the 31st edition of the long standing, international and interdisciplinary conference series on environmental information and communication technologies: EnviroInfo 2017.

This year, the conference was organized by the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST); under the patronage of the Technical Committee on Environmental Informatics of the German Informatics Society. “From Science to Society: The Bridge provided by Environmental Informatics”- the tag line of EnviroInfo 2017 referred clearly to the “raison d’etre” of the discipline. This “raison d’etre” reflects the conference’s desire to uncover innovative technical solutions in order to solve or mitigate the numerous environmental issues and challenges that are faced today.

This year, the conference took place in Luxembourg. In the middle of Europe, with a modern economy and extremely mobile workforce, the country is a good example for many of these challenges. In Luxembourg, collaboration with the neighbouring countries is of paramount importance in order to tackle environmental problems. Consequently, one the main topics of the conference was the interoperability of environmental information systems. Furthermore, topics such as energy informatics, the application of satellite data and GNSS in environmental informatics, environmental management information systems, sustainable mobility and green software engineering and environmental health informatics and more were covered in several workshops and the main conference.

This volume contains the short and work in progress papers of the conference that describe ongoing projects and initiatives which will help to solve these and many other environmental problems in the future.
Schlagwörter: Environmental Informatics; SAR; Optical Remote Sensing Data; Mapping; Reinforcement Learning; Imovated Mobility Business Models; Environmental Sustainability; Sustainable Software Design; Green Software Strategies; Environmental Modelling; Environmental Research; Open Energy Modelling; Environmental Sciences; Environment; Sustainability; Virtual Reality Applications; Chemical Monitoring; Farm Sustainability Assessment; Ecological Data; Sustainable Teaching; Risk Assessment; Blended Learning; Data Integration; New Governance for Renewable Energies; Data Density; Disaster Management; Sustainability Knowledge Communication; Data Sharing
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