
Shop : Details

45,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-5424-8
138 Seiten
24 Abbildungen
308 g
24 x 17 cm
August 2017
Esther Schoenmaker
On the characterization of binaural contributions to speech intelligibility in multitalker situations
Listeners with a healthy auditory system possess a remarkable ability to understand speech in a situation with multiple simultaneous talkers. Binaural listening, i.e., listening with two ears, is known to enhance speech intelligibility provided that the talkers are spatially distributed. Possible binaural mechanisms that contribute to this spatial benefit are better-ear listening, binaural unmasking, and improved speech segregation due to spatial cues. At the same time, the fluctuating character of the speech signals allows listeners to 'glimpse' portions of the target speech in spectro-temporal regions with a high local signal-to-noise ratio. These so-called glimpses are shown to play a vital role in the intelligibility of speech in the presence of competing speech.
In this PhD thesis a number of stimulus manipulations and listening experiments are presented in which speech uttered by three simultaneous talkers was used, with the objective to characterize the relative contributions of the various binaural mechanisms to the spatial benefit. The findings of this work suggest that the spatial benefit for speech intelligibility in a multitalker situation can be explained by the combined action of better-ear listening and binaural segregation, in which glimpses are the main carrier of both speech information and spatial cues.
Schlagwörter: Psychoacoustics; Binaural hearing; Speech intelligibility
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