
Shop : Details

31,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-5176-6
226 Seiten
309 g
21 x 14,8 cm
April 2017
Madalina Mandita
Compared noology of Jewish and Romanian people
A sociology of communities
The study Compared noology of Jewish and Romanian people is focused on the spiritual powers identified within the religious dimension, the one strong enough to shape identities, to form a specific spiritual and cultural profile. Following the paradigm which reveals the weight of spiritual dimension in sociology, we develop our own system of analysing the two peoples, based on four categories of spiritual latencies -latency of discovering divinity, latency of thrills in front of the evil, latency of redemption and latency of the meaning in/of this world. It is essential for the health of a society to maintain a unity of spiritual, cultural and religious values, a coherence capable to turn into a true spiritual power, the source of all other worldly powers.
Schlagwörter: sociology; sociology of religion; noology; psychology of depths; phenomenology of religion; noological sociology; spiritual factors; spiritual teachings; noology of Judaism; noology of Orthodox Christianity
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