
Shop : Details

21,90 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-5171-1
170 Seiten
41 Abbildungen
255 g
21 x 14,8 cm
April 2017
Rajinder Singh
Bidhu Bhushan Ray - A Pioneer of X-Ray Spectroscopy
B.B. Ray was one of the founders of X-ray spectroscopy in India.

"This book is a complete biography of B.B. Ray in a sense that it talks about his life, his philosophy of life, his courage to accept challenges, his relationship with important political personalities like Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, Rabindranath Tagore etc. and on the other hand, he had a friendly relationship with eminent scientists of his time like Samuel Goudsmit, discoverer of electron spin; Niels Bohr, founder of quantum atomic theory; Werner Heisenberg, initiator of quantum mechanics and others."

"The book talks about the unbelievable struggle of a person towards fulfillment of the dream of his life: science and scientific research. The book will act as a source of inspiration to young aspiring scientists. B.B. Ray is known to be one of the founders of X-ray spectroscopy in India. But I doubt how many physicists are aware of the fact and that of his research work on X-ray spectroscopy. Rajinder Singh has tried his best to explain B.B. Ray's scientific work in this book. The book will be an enjoyable reading for general readers as well as physicists/chemists."

Prof. Dr. S.C. Roy
Editor-in-Chief, Science and Culture
Member, National Commission of History of Science (INSA)
Schlagwörter: X-Rays; X-Ray Spectroscopy; B.B. Ray; C.V. Raman; M.N. Saha; D.M. Bose; S.N. Bose; Albert Einstein; Niels Bohr; Manne Siegbahn; University of Calcutta; Physics; India; History of Science; Electron Spin; S. Goudsmit; W. Heisenberg; Netaji Bose; A. Hitler; Mahatma Gandhi
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DOI 10.2370/9783844051711
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