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29,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-5062-2
80 g
Dezember 2018
Ljubica Matek, Željko Uvanović (eds.)
Adaptation: Theory, Criticism and Pedagogy
Selected papers, student projects, and the film adaptation Osijek Sweet Osijek
This volume contains fourteen papers that approach the topic of Adaptation Studies from various perspectives: a theoretical, critical, and pedagogical one. Some of the papers were first presented at the Adaptation: Theory, Criticism, Pedagogy international conference held at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek, Croatia, in February 2017, others were included due to their relevance for the topic. Thus, the collection provides the reader with a comprehensive overview of major issues related to Adaptation Studies. Firstly, Part I of the volume illustrates difficulties and possibilities in attempting to create and use theoretical frameworks to discuss adaptations. Secondly, in Parts II and III, the volume offers relevant interpretations of classical and contemporary adaptations illustrating the richness and complexity of adaptation as a means of reinterpreting literature, film, drama, and even biographical facts. Finally, the fourth part of the volume contains personal reflections of teachers, students, and scholars who have used adaptation in practice to achieve various learning outcomes, improve teaching, learning, and understanding of a particular subject matter, and who have used adaptation as a form of activism. Due to the variety of topics, the volume may be of interest to scholars and students of literature, art, media, film, drama, history and other liberal arts.
Schlagwörter: Projekt UNIOS INGI 2015-11; Kamilla Elliott (Lancaster, UK) as Guest Researcher; Zeljko Uvanovic as Project Leader; Conference Department of English FFOS
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DOI 10.2370/9783844050622
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