
Shop : Details

29,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-4735-6
122 Seiten
48 Abbildungen
176 g
21 x 14,8 cm
November 2016
Jacqueline Gesing
Evaluation of mini-jobbers' commitment
In the past decade, the development of the labour market and forms of employment were marked by an increase of part-time employment - this originates from the demographic development as well as the economically necessary flexible approaches.

Besides insurable part-time employment, the so-called minor forms of employment, which are also referred to as 'mini-jobs', have been expanded. This form of employment is becoming more and more present and yet differs significantly from a 'normal' employment.

Thus, the question arises, how strong is the mini-jobbers' sense of loyalty towards the employer.

The author pursues the established approaches of Allen/Meyer (1996) and Felfe et al (2006). Within the framework of a survey, she asked the minijobbers of the FC Schalke Catering GmbH about their loyalty towards the employer.

Based on comprehensive statistical analyses, she ascertains how the commitment of workers in minor employment is pronounced and makes comparisons to traditional employees by consulting existing examination results of meta-analyses.
Schlagwörter: mini-jobber; minijobber; commitment; FOM
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Forum der FOM
Herausgegeben von FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management, Essen
Band 36
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