
Shop : Details

21,90 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-4669-4
212 Seiten
31 Abbildungen
284 g
21 x 14,8 cm
August 2016
Rajinder Singh
Chemistry and Physics Nobel Prizes - India's Contribution
The Nobel Prizes, named after the Swedish inventor and industrialist Alfred Nobel, is one of the most prestigious awards. According to the will of the founder, they are awarded to persons for their services in the fields of chemistry, physics, physiology and medicine, literature and peace. India stands in the list of “top-twenty” so far as the number of proposals either received or sent by a nation is concerned. Until 1964, five Indian physicists and chemists were nominated for the Nobel Prize. Twenty Indians (10 chemist and 10 physicists) were asked by the Nobel Committees to send proposals.
Based on the original documents of the Nobel Foundation, the present work discusses:
  • The work for which the Indian nominees were proposed.
  • The opinions of the nominators about their candidates.
  • The views of the Nobel Committees and their experts on the achievement of Indian nominees.
  • India’s nominators and nominees in international context.
Schlagwörter: Chemistry; Physics; Nobel Prize; Indian scientists; India; C.V. Raman; M.N. Saha; S.N. Bose; G.N. Ramachandran; Bose-Einstein Statistics; A. Einstein; S.K. Mitra; D.M. Bose; P.C. Ray; Kolkata; India; Collagen; Chandrasekhar; cosmic rays; Raman effect
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DOI 10.2370/9783844046694
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