
Shop : Details

49,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-4407-2
326 Seiten
92 Abbildungen
428 g
21 x 14,8 cm
Mai 2016
Jens Zudrop
Efficient Numerical Methods for Fluid- and Electrodynamics on Massively Parallel Systems
In the last decade, computer technology has evolved rapidly. Modern high performance computing systems offer a tremendous amount of computing power in the range of a few peta floating point operations per second. In contrast, numerical software development is much slower and most existing simulation codes cannot exploit the full computing power of these systems. Partially, this is due to the numerical methods themselves and partially it is related to bottlenecks within the parallelization concept and its data structures. The goal of the thesis is the development of numerical algorithms and corresponding data structures to remedy both kinds of parallelization bottlenecks. The approach is based on a co-design of the numerical schemes (including numerical analysis) and their realizations in algorithms and software. Various kinds of applications, from multicomponent flows (Lattice Boltzmann Method) to electrodynamics (Discontinuous Galerkin Method) to embedded geometries (Octree), are considered and efficiency of the developed approaches is demonstrated for large scale simulations.
Schlagwörter: Massively Parallel; Octree; Space Filling Curve; Discontinuous Galerkin; Spectral Method; Lattice Boltzmann; Fluiddynamics; Multicomponent Flow; Electrodynamics
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