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21,90 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-4338-9
244 Seiten
15 Abbildungen
323 g
21 x 14,8 cm
März 2016
Rajinder Singh
Inside Story of Nobel Peace Prize Award - Indian Contestants
Media works under the motto: "Bad news is good news for broadcasting and publishing." However, this is not valid in the case of books. People like to read and write about "winners." The "losers" have no place in the history. The present book deals with fourteen Indians, such as Mahatma Gandhi, J. Nehru and S. Radhakrishnan, who were nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Why they did not receive the Prize? In order to find out the reasons, documents from the Nobel Foundation, such as the nomination letters, reports from experts' of the Nobel committee and confidential files of the Committee were obtained. The results of their analysis are given in this book.
Schlagwörter: Peace; Nobel Peace Prize; India; Mahatma Gandhi; Jawaharlal Nehru; M. C. Davar; Singh; Raja Pratap Singh; Sanjib K. Chaudhuri; Vinoba Bhave; S. Radhakrishnan; University of Calcutta; Bengalore; Bombay; Maharishi Mahesh Yogi; Nobel Committee; Nobel Foundation
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