
Shop : Details

19,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-4315-0
106 Seiten
13 Abbildungen
154 g
21 x 14,8 cm
März 2016
Rajinder Singh
India's Nobel Prize Nominators and Nominees
The Praxis of Nomination and Geographical Distribution
The Nobel Prizes are one of the best known awards in the world. With a few exceptions in the past, they are awarded every year, since their inception in 1901. According to Alfred Nobel’s testament, the Prize in awarded for achievements in the fields of Chemistry, Physics, Medicine or Physiology, Literature and Peace.

According to the official record of the Nobel Foundation, before 1964, there were 131 Indian nominees and 115 nominators. If we consider these numbers for all 94 countries in the list of the Foundation; India is in the 20th place with maximum number of “nominators” and “nominees”.

The present book highlights:

  • India’s Nobel Prize nominators and nominees for the five Nobel Prizes.
  • The praxis of nomination of the Indian nominees in national and international context.
  • The geographical distribution of Indian nominees and nominators within India.
Schlagwörter: Nobel Prize; India; Mahatma Gandhi; Jawaharlal Nehru; C. V. Raman; M. N. Saha; S. Radhakrishnan; Yogi Maharishi Mahesh; C.C. Bose; Mitra; M. C. Davar; R. Tagore; Literature; G. N. Ramachandran; N. R. Dhar; Singh; A. H. Compton; G. S. Aurobindo; H. Hammarskjöld; Sen; R. Y. N. Choudhury
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