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49,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-4286-3
Gebundene Ausgabe
380 Seiten
140 Abbildungen
602 g
21 x 14,8 cm
März 2016
Wolf-Dieter Hiemeyer
Design of an Integrated Marketing and Sales Approach for the B2B Industry – Using an Integration Model
This doctoral thesis investigates the collaboration between the functional units of Marketing and Sales in the B2B industry. For some years the Marketing-Sales interface has been of increasing interest to academic researchers and also to professional practice. Dysfunctional conflicts and poor collaboration (e.g. in cross-functional communication or coordination of tasks and processes) could potentially have a negative impact upon a company’s business results.

The aim of the research was, therefore, to explore the Marketing-Sales interface in order to provide a conceptualized approach for improved collaboration. The empirical research study investigated the relationship between Marketing and Sales in B2B companies of different sizes and from various industry sectors. The research sample comprised Managers from Marketing and Sales and their subordinates.

The thesis identified a set of collaborative elements –, so-called Integration Mechanisms and Integration Factors – which were found to improve Marketing-Sales integration. Moreover, an Integration Model was developed and validated to measure the Marketing-Sales interface and to visualize the level of collaboration between Marketing and Sales. These findings constitute a contribution to academic theory and to professional practice.
Schlagwörter: Marketing-Sales integration; Integration between Marketing and Sales; Integration of Marketing and Sales for the B2B Industry; Marketing-Sales Management; Marketing-Sales interface; Collaboration between Marketing and Sales; Cooperation between Marketing and Sales; Relationship between Marketing and Sales; Cross-functional collaboration between Marketing and Sales; Cross-functional communication between Marketing and Sales; Dysfunctional conflicts between Marketing and Sales; Measurement model; Integration model; Integration Mechanisms; Integration Factors
Über den Autor:
Wolf-Dieter Hiemeyer has worked for over 20 years in various Management functions in the B2B industry, primarily in Marketing and Sales. Since 2011 he has worked as a Senior Lecturer and IP Manager at Munich University of Applied Science.
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DOI 10.2370/9783844042863
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