
Shop : Details

21,90 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-4024-1
412 Seiten
1 Abbildung
466 g
21 x 14,8 cm
November 2015
Rajinder Singh
The Making of the Politician M. Gandhi by Muslims, Jews and Christians
Gandhi's Methods to Solve Immigration Problems
In 1860, the first batch of Indian workers came to Natal, South Africa. Within a short period of three decades, in some parts of South Africa, Indian immigrants became the third majority group. They started dominating the financial sector. Apart from that the immigrants' way of living was entirely new for the colonialists. This led to social and political conflicts between Indians and the white community. M. Gandhi (as an immigrant stayed in South Africa from 1893 to 1914) was one of the persons who fought for the rights of the Indian community.

In these days immigration in the U.S.A. and Europe is a great challenge. The historical fact is that in the past, due to various reasons, humans immigrated/migrated. The present book shows:

(a) Gandhi's methods to deal with immigrants and refugees.
(b) The role played by Muslims, Jews and Christians in making M.K. Gandhi a successful politician in South Africa.
(c) The origin of Gandhi's political and social ideas.
Schlagwörter: Mahatma Gandhi; India; South Africa; Immigration; Refugees; Kaffirs; Congress; Habib; Society; Colonial; History; Ahima; Non-cooperation; British Empire
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