
Shop : Details

48,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-4003-6
156 Seiten
86 Abbildungen
231 g
21 x 14,8 cm
November 2015
Reza Kebriaei
Multiscale modeling and experimental investigation of metallic composite structures with application to bulk and sheet metal forming
The dissertation focuses on the simulation and experimental investigations of innovative structures. The major objective of this research work is the development of improved, efficient, feasible and reliable procedures for design and analysis as well as production of metallic composite structures manufactured by application of plastic deformations, particularly rolling processes. Two important manufacturing processes in the field of bulk (process-integrated powder coating by radial axial rolling of rings) and sheet (joining of dissimilar metals by roll bonding) metal forming are thoroughly studied.

The microscale modeling which allows the process-independent investigation of the physical processes and the macromechanical modeling part which takes the structural characteristics of concrete processes into account, are distinguished from each other. Further, the scale transition between the micro and macro levels is discussed which goes along with several experimental investigations.

To prove the flexibility and the process independency of the developed algorithms, the dissertation focuses on the application of the developed techniques to a different industrial process. Full characterization of the process in conjunction with inverse parameter identification techniques is done. Process parameters are varied to study their influence on the deterioration of the process.

The capability of the developed numerical modeling techniques are verified by several structural simulations and the comparison of their results by experimental measurements.
Schlagwörter: Multiscale modeling; experimental investigation; metallic composite structures; joining by plastic deformation
Applied Mechanics – RWTH Aachen University
Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefanie Reese, Aachen
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