
Shop : Details

24,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-3848-4
72 Seiten
51 Abbildungen
108 g
29,7 x 21,0 cm
August 2015
Mihai Dumitru, Ion Anghel, Adrian Costache
A step by step bedside ultrasonographic anatomy of head and neck for the ENT surgeon
We live in era of surgeon performed and highly specialized medicine, where better time and resource management are the rules. Therefore every medical specialist tries to improve and expedite the diagnosis and treatment with maximum patient compliance. Current practice and guidelines rely heavily on CT and MRI imaging but these are either irradiating or very expensive with sometimes very long waiting lists. Often very crowded imaging departments rely also on ultrasound procedures, but what if the ENT surgeon himself performed the ultrasound and ultrasound guided procedures.

It is said that a image is worth a thousand words and this is not a cliché as you will certainly discover through this material. Every chapter begins with a short review of important anatomy concepts with tips and tricks in order to better visualize certain anatomic landmarks using ultrasound. Constructed as an atlas every graphic material is a collage joining a clinical image showing the correct positioning of the transducer, an unmarked sonographic window obtained through this maneuver and a picture with the anatomy landmarks indicated by numbers and explained in the text. All important regions have a dedicated chapter: lymph nodes and sonographic levels important for TNM staging, thyroid and parathyroid, laryngeal sonographic although exotic but useful in emergency settings, salivary glands, sonography for traumatic lesions of the nose and face and last but not least important vascular and neural structures.

We invite the young doctor to use this material as a bed side aid and to perform the examination step by step as depicted in it thus becoming a routine and minimizing the risk of malpractice by focusing only on the gross pathology and losing perspective on the wider picture.

We hope that this book will be useful not only for ENT and HNS surgeons but for specialist from other departments such as: endocrinology, trauma and even general practitioners.
Schlagwörter: Medicine; Otorhinolaryngology; Ultrasonography; Anatomy; Ultrasound; Head and Neck
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