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45,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-3703-6
144 Seiten
31 Abbildungen
195 g
21 x 14,8 cm
Juni 2015
Ulrich Schüle (Ed.)
In this conference proceedings, German and Argentine economists and lawyers discuss various aspects of Argentina's economic policy regarding international trade, finance, and investment.
In the first part, Estefania Guzmán Calderón and Ulrich Schüle analyse the macroeconomic environment in a historical perspective, whereas Marc Piazolo focuses on current issues of macroeconomic policy making in Argentina.
The second part concentrates on Argentina's finance sector. Christian Armbruster and Rene Ruppenthal show the development of mutual funds in Latin America, representing more the European investors' view whereas Martín Dutto analyses Argentina's financial system with the view from inside the country.
In the third and last part, selected issues - all of them with a significant impact on Argentina's international trade and investment performance - are debated. Andrés Musacchio and María Archimbal study the re-nationalisation policies of the last years, using the pension funds and the energy company YPF as example. Viviana Kluger presents Argentina's actions in the case of trade disputes whereas Lydia Bals investigates the chances that Argentina may serve as global sourcing destination and, thus, improve economic performance.
The articles were presented at a conference held at the Hochschule Mainz, Germany, in June 2014, in the framework of the Centro Universitario Argentino-Alemán (CUAA) | Deutsch-Argentinisches Hochschulzentrum (DAHZ).
Schlagwörter: Argentinien; Wirtschaftspolitik; Investitionen; Außenhandel
Deutsch-Argentinische Wirtschaftsstudien / Estudios Económicos Argentino-Alemanes
Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schüle und Prof. Dr. Andrés Musacchio, Mainz/Buenos Aires
Band 1
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