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48,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-3427-1
158 Seiten
234 g
21 x 14,8 cm
März 2015
Kingsley Ifeanyi Owete
Uwa Nde Emu
A Socio-Religious History of the Emu
As suggested by the title, "Uwa Nde Emu", is indeed about "the world of Emu people". It is a first hand ethnographic study that provides a careful documentation of the way of life of the indigenous community of Emu. Using emic perspective, the work insightfully traces the historical origins of the people and describes their political structure as basis for contextualizing and explicating their social life and religious worldview. It shows how the community is adapting its various cultural institutions, especially its religious institutions to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing society.
Schlagwörter: Africa; Traditional; Religion; History
Über den Autor:
Dr. Owete is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Religion & Culture, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. He is a leading scholar on the culture and religion of Emu people of Nigeria. He has conducted fieldwork among them for over 30 years. He is also the author of Traditional Medicine Making of The 'Emu': Continuity and Change.
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