
Shop : Details

25,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-3057-0
116 Seiten
29 Abbildungen
174 g
21 x 14,8 cm
Oktober 2014
Ralf Hofestädt, Alban Shoshi (eds.)
German/Russian Network of Computational Systems Biology
Report 2014
Many activities and projects have been organized, initiated and coordinated since we founded the Computational Systems Biology Network in 2005 (see http://www.imbio.de/forschung/).

One important aspect is the support of students and the organization of bilateral Workshops and Summer Schools. Therefore we were able to establish the annual German/Russian Workshop and Summer School organized in Bielefeld since 2010. We established the Russian/German Summer School and Network meeting as a part of the BGRS conferences taking place in Novosibirsk. Moreover we organized annual network meetings and seminars as a partner of the German/Russian Biotechnology network (http://www.uni-kassel.de/projekte/index.php?id=36597). In regards to the cooperation based on the student level the DAAD Leonhard-Euler program became one of the most relevant instruments, which we have been using since 2008. Furthermore, based on our meetings and activities, different projects could be initiated. Regarding the spectrum of projects we have actualized bilateral projects supported by both ministries and multilateral projects supported by EU projects.
Schlagwörter: database integration; molecular data warehouse; molecular textmining; visualization and animation; drug side effects; pathway analysis; petri net simulation; drug-target interactions
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