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19,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-1721-2
72 Seiten
108 g
21 x 14,8 cm
März 2013
Boris Resnik (Hrsg.)
Opportunities of Geodetic Monitoring on the Example of Current Projects in Eastern Europe
Many Eastern European countries launched significant and extensive investments in new construction programmes in the recent years. In this regard, issues such as sustainable development, increase of safety as well as more reliable information on the condition of engineering constructions become increasingly a decisive competitive factor for the public and the private sector. The successful implementation of these issues requires intensive interdisciplinary and international research. Many of the already realized projects have shown the advantages of these kinds of co-operations. The aim of this book is the extension of already existing co-operations of leading universities in Eastern and Western Europe. The authors hence aim to present the existing problems and the elaborated solutions on the implementation of monitoring tasks to an even bigger audience, allowing finding new potential partners for further research in this domain.
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