
Shop : Details

48,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-0195-2
194 Seiten
291 g
24 x 17 cm
Juli 2011
Antonio Bartolomé, Per Bergamin, Donatella Persico, Karl Steffens, Jean Underwood (eds.)
Self-regulated Learning in Technology Enhanced Learning Environments: Problems and Promises
Proceedings of the STELLAR-TACONET Conference. Universitat de Barcelona, October 1, 2010
Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) is the process through which individuals control their own learning from a cognitive, meta-cognitive, behavioural, emotional and motivational point of view. SRL requires an important interdisciplinary set of competences which has increasingly gained attention in the past couple of decades because it leads to better learning and it helps people to cope with the challenges of life-long-learning. In fact, self-regulated learning has been cited as one of the 21st century key competences. Today it is important for individuals to find ways of coping with the explosion of information and knowledge.

While the field of SRL has been widely and deeply investigated, at least from the point of view of educational psychology, there is a strong need to better understand the interplay between SRL and Technology Enhanced Learning because the latter has profoundly changed and is posing special challenges to the way we learn and live. It is on these grounds that the Targeted Cooperative Network on Self-Regulated Learning in Technology Enhanced Learning Environments (see http://www.taconet.org), a community of researchers interested in this subject, was founded in 2004 and still keeps attracting new scholars. TACONET organizes regular conferences allowing its members to exchange ideas and discuss their research results. Proceedings of the 2005 conference in Lisbon and the 2007 conference in Amsterdam were also published by Shaker.

On October 1, 2010, the fourth TACONET conference on Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) in Technology Enhanced Learning Environments (TELEs) took place at the Universitat de Barcelona in Spain. The conference was organized by Antonio Bartolomé and his team on behalf of both the TACONET and the STELLAR Theme Team “Self-regulated learning in technology enhanced learning environments” as part of the STELLAR Network of Excellence (Sustaining Technology Enhanced Learning at a LARge scale, http://www.stellarnet.eu).

There was a wide variety of contributions to the Barcelona conference. Therefore we decided to assign them to four slightly different perspectives. While they all dealt with the topic of self-regulated learning in technology enhanced learning environments, the first group of contributions was focussed on teachers and students, the second group focussed more on learning in class while the third group dealt with learning beyond school. Contributions to the fourth group were dedicated to technological aspects. The variety of the topics, results and conclusions of the contributions support our previously formulated hypothesis that there still is need for more research on the topic of self-regulated and technology enhanced learning. But we found also in the different articles many answers to open questions and stimulation for future research.
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