Die Kommunikation und Kooperation von Wissensarbeitern befindet sich in einem ständigen Wandel. Die steigende Anzahl der zur Verfügung stehenden Werkzeuge ...
The personnel involved in distributed research projects acquires lots of technical and domain-specific knowledge. Generalizable outcomes of single project ...
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As a reaction to the discussion on global warming, research in the field of Sustainable Interaction Design (SID) has started to explore the design of ...
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The combination of several technical difficulties and highly complex human factors make indoor navigation support for firefighters an elusive problem ...
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Medizinische Leistungserbringer und vor allem Kliniken werden zunehmend unter Druck gesetzt, den steigenden Kosten im Gesundheitswesen Herr zu werden ...
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Most knowledge is stored and communicated in the form of natural language text. Databases including abstracts of journal articles or proceeding contributions ...
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