Bacteria account for ~15% of the earth’s biomass and are the second largest biomass contributor after plants. Bacteria are ubiquitous and have adapted ...
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Metabolic engineering aims to manipulate metabolic networks for different purposes, ranging from the effective bioproduction of value-added chemicals ...
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Many substances produced by chemical syntheses or biotechnological processes are obtained along with a number of by-products. Therefore, advanced purification ...
In dieser Arbeit sollte die Produktion der potentiellen Plattformchemikalie Itaconat optimiert werden. Hierfür wurde zunächst der Weg für die Itaconatbiosynthese ...
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In this work, new methods for qualitative modeling and structural analysis of signaling networks and for data-driven network interrogation are presented. ...
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The homogeneously rhodium-BiPhePhos catalyzed hydroformylation of renewable long-chain fatty acid methyl esters (FAME’s) to polymer precursors is an important ...
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The experimental study of novel reactor concepts is financially expensive and time consuming. In order to optimize the reactor and process development, ...
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In der vorliegenden Arbeit steht die kontinuierliche chromatographische Trennung im Mittelpunkt. Durch verschiedene Beispiele werden die Vorteile von ...
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An abundance of molecules belongs to the class of chiral compounds. They are called enantiomers and share the same physical and chemical properties. Over ...
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This thesis consists of two main topics. For the model-based design, control and optimization of crystallization processes a novel method for the estimation ...
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