

Maike Stark
Autarke elektrische Kleinenergieversorgungsanlagen mit regenerativer Einspeisung und Wasserstoff-Speicherpfad
ETDE-Energy Database, FIZ Karlsruhe-Leibniz-Institut für Informationsinfrastruktur, 17.12.2012

Due to the worldwide increase in the energy consumption, the increasing scarcity of fossil fuels and the phasing out of nuclear power in Germany, the significance of the renewable energy in the energy mix will increase. This development is accompanied by an increasing number of decentralized, autonomaus energy systems.
The author of the book under consideration reports on the design and Operation of such small autonomaus power systems. An integrated approach for an advisory system is presented which supports the developer of these systems from the selection of suitable system components through dimensioning to the design of a obvious Operating strategy.
Different knowledge-based and meta-heuristic methods are used. Furthermore, the author examines the impact of waviness in the electric current of PEM fuel cells in detail. In this case the author describes systematically conducted measurements and developed a simulation model for the PEM fuel cell.

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