This volume contains papers presented at a conference on Afro-Asiatic (Semitio-Hamitic) held in Berlin in 2004. The volume begins with welcoming remarks by the editor, Rainer Voigt, who also organized the conference; his remarks include abrief overview of the history of Afro-Asiatic studies. There follow thirty-two contributions, distributed across most of the main branches of the family. Despite the German title of the volume, all but five of the papers are in English (four are in German, one is in ltalian). The volume is arranged in four parts, the Iead essay in each part providing a more programmatic review of the relationship of the individual branch(es) to Afro-Asiatic as a whole.
Part I, "Comparative Afro-Asiatic (Hamito-Semitic)," contains seven papers. Several of these papers demonstrate that "comparative Afro-Asiatic" remains in its infancy; we are unfortunately still a long way from establishing regular sound correspondences across the branches, without which most comparison is little more than inspired guesswork. Hermann Jungraithmayer, "Chadic and Semitohamitic" (pp. 15-21 ; the only paper in the volume with a Chadic focus); Vaclav Blazek, "Semitic Prepositions and Their Afroasiatic Cognates" (pp. 23-42); Christopher Ehret, "Applying the Comparative Method in Afroasiatic (Afrasan, Afrasisch)" (pp. 43- 70); Alexander Militarev, "Towards a Complete Etymology-Based Hundred Word List of Semitic-Items 1-34 (First Third)" (pp. 71-102); Olga Stolbova, "Hamito-Semitic Comparative Phonology Problems and Perspective" (pp. 103-14); Gabor Takacs, "Consonantal and Lexical Reconstruction- State of the Art" (pp. 115-49); Andrzej Zaborski, "Apophony in Hamito-Semitic" (pp. 151-61).
Part lI, "Cushitic," offers eight papers, most on individual languages, although a couple are comparative. Klaus Wedekind, "Update on Beja" (pp. 165-83); Teferra Anbessa, "The Structure of Sidaama Nouns" (pp. 185-95); Amha Azeb, "Questioning Forms in Zargulla" (pp. 197-210); Gene Gragg, "What Kind of Speech Community is Represented by the ´Cushitic´ Node? lntroduction to the Lexical Evidence" (pp. 211-35); Georgi Kapchits, "Paremias without Sentence Particles" (pp. 237-44); Moges Yigezu, "The Vowel System of Kara from a Historical-Comparative Perspective" (pp. 245-51); Mulugeta Seyoum, "Some Notes on the Personal and Demonstrative Pronouns in Dime" (pp. 253-63); Mauro Tosco, "Something Went Wrong-On / the Historical Reconstruction of the Dhaasanac Verb" (pp. 265-80).
Part Ill, "Semitic," with thirteen papers, is as usual the largest section. It is encouraging that several of the papers are on Iess-studied branches of Semitic, such as South Arabian and Ethiopian. Gideon Goldenberg, "Actants and Diathesis, Directions of Transitivity &c.-Some Satzgestaltungen and Their Background in Semitic and Elsewhere" (pp. 283-96); Sergio Baldi, "Arabic Loans in Gur Languages" (pp. 297-327); Anna Belova, "Südarabisches Lexikon im Gebiet der Baumaterialien" (pp. 329-38); Grover Hudson, "North and South Ethiopian Semitic" (pp. 339-48); Olga Kapeliuk, "Is There a Singulative and a Paucal Plural in EthioSemitic?" (pp. 349-60); Adrian Macelaru, "Thoughts on the Origin of Vowel /u/ of the Prefixes of Certain Semitic Verbal Forms" (pp. 361-75); Alessandro Mengozzi, "Verba Primae lnfirmae Neoaramaice" (pp. 377-90); Fabrizio Pennacchietti, "Sulle tracce del dio Aquila-La radice ´QB nell´onomastica di Hatra" (pp. 391-99); Oleg I. Redkin, "South Arabian Place Names: Etymology and Reconstruction" (pp. 401- 12); Tesfay Tewolde, "Tigrinya Personal and Possessive Pronouns within Afro-Asiatic Context" (pp. 413-31); Rainer Voigt, "The Two Suffix Conjugations in Semitic (and Egyptian)" (pp. 433-48); Zelealem Leyew, "Amharic Dialects Revisited" (pp. 449-80); Petr Zemanek, "On the Definite Article in Semitic" (pp. 481 -90).
Part IV, "Egyptian-Berber," contains four papers. One paper concerns Berber word order, while the others, on Egyptian or Egyptian and Berber, offer important comparisons with Semitic. Helmut Satzinger, "Anmerkungen zur semitischen Suffixkonjugation" (pp. 493-500); Francis Breyer, "Zum ägyptisch-semitischberberischen Sprachvergleich-der D-Stamm im Ägyptischen" (pp. 501-12); Amina Mettouchi, "Word Order in Conversational Taqbaylit Berber-Preposed and Postposed ´Subjects"´ (pp. 5 I 3-31); Joachim Quack, "Gebrochene Plurale im Ägyptischen" (pp. 533-72). The editor deserves our sincere thanks for bringing together such a wide-ranging collection of papers.
John Huehnergard
University of Texas at Austin