
Shop : Rezensionsexemplar

48,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-4722-6
188 Seiten
75 Abbildungen
278 g
21 x 14,8 cm
September 2016
Míriam Moreno Pastor
Development of a methodology for sustainability assessment of water use in the automotive industry and application based on case studies
Methods for the environmental assessment of water use in life cycle assessment (LCA) have been applied in automotive products. However, no consensual methodology has led to standardization. Moreover, no specific methodology for automotive products including water quality aspects has been developed. Besides, there is a need for differentiation of direct process water and indirect water from energy production for hotspots identification and later application of measures to reduce water consumption. Additionally, further development, both at methodological and operational levels of water use in LCA, including social and economic aspects, is necessary. At this point automotive products, including complex and global supply chains, are ideal for validating the applicability of developed methods, as well as for contributing to establishing a consensual methodology. The main goal of this study is to present a practical methodology for the sustainability assessment of water in automobile components. This goal was achieved.
Schlagwörter: lca; water footprint; Ökobilanz; sustainability; Nachhaltigkeit; social life cycle assessment; life cycle costing; automobile; automotive; production process; life cycle sustainability assessment; water consumption; indirect water
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