
Shop : Verlinkung

35,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-3313-7
108 Seiten
24 Abbildungen
158 g
21 x 14,8 cm
Januar 2015
Clemens Jäger (Ed.), Dennis Wörmann (Ed.), Karina Reif
Change Management
– A Critical Analysis of the Performance Drivers in Change Projects –
Change Management or the Management of Change means steering of processes of adaption and change in organizations. Due to the growing influence of volatile environments, the topic of Change Management has an unbroken relevance in today's business. The need to change does not depend on the fact that a company develops up-, down- or side wards. So change is not only necessary in case of a crisis, moreover it is the natural and vital further development of organizations.

Nowadays market developments happen in shorter cycles and force organizations to handle related changes quick and efficiently. This rising dynamic on markets have different sources. Globalization and the increase of mergers and acquisitions as well as the increase in competition lead to a higher pressure on the capability of organizations. Change is always a dynamic process. In contrast to this, employees expect less dynamic and more constancy.
This book is going to have a closer look on Change Management and its performance drivers.
Schlagwörter: Change Management; Change Project; Performance Drivers
Fontys Venlo - Publication of Applied Sciences
Herausgegeben von Fontys - University of Applied Sciences, Venlo
Band 15
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