
Shop : Weiterempfehlung

49,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-9458-9
88 Seiten
128 g
21 x 14,8 cm
Dezember 2024
European Centre for Workers' Questions (EZA)
Intra-EU mobility and the use of private health insurance
Trivial or substantial?
The importance of private insurance to ensure an acceptable level of social protection for mobile EU citizens is still an understudied topic in academia. The need for private insurance within a transnational context in the EU might be particularly important for access to, and reimbursement of, healthcare. Two research questions have been analysed in this study: 1) In which cases of intra-EU mobility and for which groups of mobile EU citizens is there a need for private health insurance? 2) What is the extent of the use of private health insurance within a transnational context in the EU? For the analysis of both research questions, a distinction was made between three types of cross-border healthcare, notably unplanned necessary cross-border healthcare, planned cross-border healthcare, and healthcare provided to EU citizens residing in another Member State. The results could be a stepping stone to defining a multidisciplinary research agenda.
Schlagwörter: European Social Dialogue; EZA; European Centre for Workers' Questions
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