
Shop : Weiterempfehlung

49,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-8641-6
248 Seiten
128 Abbildungen
368 g
21 x 14,8 cm
Juni 2022
Haiyan Ma
A novel regulator for distribution network planning and operation
With the development of renewable energy sources, especially photovoltaics in low voltage networks, more voltage and current violations are likely to happen nowadays. To deal with such issues, the idea of network coupling is presented and discussed in this thesis. The coupling of adjacent low voltage networks can lead to an improvement in the state of the networks if the coupled networks differ in terms of structure and/or load and infeed profiles. This applies in particular if the power flow can be regulated via the coupling point. In the thesis, a novel power flow controller is developed and applied for the power flow control at the coupling positions of multiple networks. The thesis includes the basic options for low voltage network coupling and their properties, the development of control concepts, the conception and dimensioning of the hardware of the controller, the investigation of operational aspects such as fallback solutions in the event of communication interruptions, detailed simulation analyses, tests in the laboratory and field as well as a techno-economic assessment.
The solutions presented in the thesis can enable a higher load/infeed on low voltage networks without making large investments (e.g. conventional network expansion) or endangering the quality of supply.
Schlagwörter: low voltage grids; renewable energy sources; novel power flow controller; control concept; fallback
Forschungsberichte des Lehrstuhls für Energiesysteme und Energiemanagement
Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram H. Wellßow, Kaiserslautern
Band 14
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