
Shop : Weiterempfehlung

31,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-4774-5
Gebundene Ausgabe
152 Seiten
45 Abbildungen
228 g
21 x 14,8 cm
Dezember 2016
Stefan Franz Ismair
Die historische Entwicklung in der zahnmedizinischen Versorgung unter dem Einfluss der Sozialpolitik
Die Monographie von Stefan Ismair beschreibt entscheidende Entwicklungen in der zahnmedizinischen Versorgung innerhalb Deutschlands, die von der Sozialpolitik im 20. Jahrhundert maßgeblich beeinflusst wurden. Insbesondere wird auf das Fachgebiet ''Zahnärztliche Prothetik'' eingegangen.

Dentistry can look back on a diverse history. Until the 20th century dentistry was not recognised as a separate profession. Dentists and doctors practised the dental profession alongside each other in the German speaking area until the second half of the 20th century. Before that the dental profession was still less well-defined. Barber-surgeons, known in German as “Bader”, practised dentistry. They had no professional education and did both hair cutting and dentistry. In the scientific-technical field many inventions have become established up to now. Examples range from foot driven drills to modern micro-motorized drills and turbines. The common health insurance system and the self-administration of the dental profession have developed considerably from their beginnings at the end of the 19th century up to now. Even today the interaction of health and social policy, jurisdiction and legislation is always a tense area.

This doctoral thesis analyses a historic process: the structuring of dental care in the Federal Republic of Germany. It is shown that this period was a time of great change.
The schedule of fees for dental treatment published in 1965, which falls under the jurisdiction of the federal social court, and the law governing rehabilitation passed in 1974 as well as the regulation of fees for dental treatment since 1977 have sustainably changed dental care in the Federal Republic of Germany. The discipline of orthodontics was changed by legislation in this period. Orthodontics became part of the system of social insurance.
Schlagwörter: Zahnmedizin; Sozialpolitik; Historie; Gesetzgebung; Rechtsprechung; Kassenzahnärztliche Bundesvereinigung (KZBV); Kieferorthopädievereinbarung von 1972; Prothetikverträge von 1975; Zahnärzteschaft; Behandlungsverhalten
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